Thursday, August 25, 2022

Solid State Batteries Svolt reaches the 400 Wh/kg

Battery cell maker SVOLT, spun off from Chinese automaker Great Wall, reports progress in developing solid cells. The company claims that it has successfully developed and tested 20 Ah cells with solid sulphide-based electrolyte.

This type of cells offering an energy density from 350 to 400 Wh/kg . According to forecasts, this should make a range of more than 1,000 kilometers possible with the cells of the later series in an electric car.

Tests that the 20 Ah prototype cell has already undergone reportedly include the usual Chinese nail penetration test and heating the battery cell to 200 degrees Celsius. The results are not mentioned directly in either case, it is only said that these tests have been successfully passed.

And, the SVOLT Energy  a division of China's has been hard work to create  a true value of solid state batteries for long year now, this week CnEVPost is report the SVOLT Energy this company is the first to create a prototype 20 Ah solid-state sulfide battery cells, Once the cells are commercially available then after they could be possible to make electric vehicles to drive at approx 1,000 kilometer or more on a single charger, with the help of company and team under the step process.

The 20 Ah cell is the fifth generation. Starting with the mAh range, the capacity has increased from one and five Ah to first ten and now 20 Ah. The cell is being developed at SVOLT's Solid State Battery Laboratory. It is a laboratory resulting from the merger of SVOLT's Wuxi Lithium Battery Innovation Center with the Ningbo Institute of Materials Engineering and Technology.

But there also appears to be progress in increasing production. According to the report, the synthesis of the sulfide-based electrolytic material is already in the kilogram range, but it is still a long way from the scale needed for mass production. Furthermore, the continuous production of the electrolyte film is challenging.

So far, SVOLT claims to have filed 109 patents in the field of solid-state sulfur batteries.

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